[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. April 9

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Apr 9 09:52:04 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

I hope you all brought your jackets today.  I'm finding it pretty 
chilly, myself.  And here I was, all ready for spring, hunting out my 
shorts and short sleeved or no sleeved shirts, only to have to go back 
to long sleeves and jackets.   Luckily, I found a nice Mountaineer one 
on sale in the Bookstore, complete with a hood and a warm sweatshirt 
lining, so I won't freeze after I pay for all the goodies I found in 
their big sale.  If you haven't been in yet, they still have lots of 
great stuff that is marked down, so get in there before it's all gone.  
Don't you love a bargain?

I found out after I'd sent out my menu yesterday that it was Amanda 
White's birthday.  I hope she had a great one, and wish her many more to 
follow.  I wonder if she and her sisters Trisha and London did any 
celebrating for her big day?

In looking at our website, it appears that our Newspaper and Yearbook 
staff have been racking up the awards.  Congratulations to all the 
students and their advisers for their excellent work and dedication.  (I 
always enjoy looking through the Statesman when a new copy comes out, 

Our menu for today includes:

                Meatball stroganoff
                Mashed potatoes and brown gravy
                Navy beans
                Turnip greens
                Baked potatoes
                Hot ham and cheese on a bun
                Potato chips
And for dessert have a piece of Boston Creme Pie.

Bundle up and have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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