[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Aug. 4

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 4 10:02:55 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Wow!  It's Aug. 4 already!  Time sure flies when you're passed out from 
a heat stroke.   It was an extremely hot weekend and today is not 
supposed to be much better, but according to the weather forecast, after 
today the temperature will steadily  decline all week until we get down 
to a chilly 92 around next Saturday!   I can't wait!  All I can say is, 
this fall and next spring, we need to be planting more shade trees.  At 
the rate we keep losing our trees to ice storms, drought, insects, etc. 
we're going to need to keep planting and tending to more and more new 
ones just to keep up.  If I wanted to live in a desert, I'd move to one.

Be sure and watch out for the new parking area signs on campus.  We have 
a new one in the parking lot behind Johnston Hall that people are not 
used to yet and with so few cars in the parking lot now it looks like 
it's just stuck out in the middle of nowhere, but in a few days, when 
classes start back, trust me, it'll have cars all around it.  I just 
hope no one runs over it before then. 

I think I jumped the gun on reporting that Eastern grad Joel Kerns was 
elected Pittsburg County Sheriff last week.  He is however in a runoff 
for the office so we'll see how that turns out.

Our menu for today includes:
                Spaghetti and meatballs
                Chicken fried steak
                Mashed potatoes and white gravy
                Sweet peas
                Baby carrots
                Winter blend vegetables
                Garlic bread

And for dessert, come in and cool off with a summer favorite, Ice Cream 
and Toppings.  Yummy!

Keep cool,

Rhoda   8-)

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