[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday Feb. 1

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Feb 1 10:13:20 CST 2008

Happy February everyone!

Hard to believe there's no more sign of yesterday's rain and snow than 
the little areas that are left.  Oh, and it also had the side effect of 
freezing my car door shut last night, so that when I tried to get in the 
car this morning to come to work, I had to go around to the passenger 
door and crawl through to the other side.  The door wouldn't budge from 
the outside.  Once I got in,  I was able to push it open from the 
inside.   Then as I was about to drive away, I noticed the indicator on 
the dash saying the driver's door was ajar.  I pushed on it and sure 
enough, it swung wide open.  I tried shutting it again with the same 
result.  Then I reached around, found the hole in the door where the  
fastener was and tried to wiggle anything that would move, and flipped 
the lock button  up and down a few times with no change.  I wound up 
driving to work buckled in with one hand on the wheel and the other 
clutching the door closed.  That ranks right up there with people who 
have to operate their windshield wipers with dental floss tied to them 
and leading inside the car.  I believe it thawed out after a while this 
morning so maybe I can get in normally this afternoon.

Our menu for today includes:

                Fish sticks
                Chicken nuggets
                Crispy cubed potatoes
                Pinto beans
                Turnip greens
                Corn on the cob

And for dessert Drexel made a luscious German Chocolate Cake.

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda   :-)     
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