[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Feb. 12

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Feb 12 10:04:35 CST 2008

Hi folks,

Well, it seems all the clouds we had overhead yesterday finally decided 
to do something instead of just hovering gloomily all night.  They must 
have A.D.D. though, because it was on again/off again rain when it 
finally did start.  I'd hear it coming down really hard, then nothing.  
The lightning seemed pretty constant though.  And there was enough 
thunder to have my mom's dog all up in her lap for the duration.  
Reminds me of a dog we used to have that was too big to get under the 
bed, but was terribly frightened when it would storm, so she would go 
stick her head under the bed, or somewhere it was dark so she couldn't 
see the lightning.  (Maybe we should've called her Ostrich instead of 
Gypsy.)   I confess, I don't mind it when I'm indoors, but I have found 
out the hard way, I really don't want to be out walking in it.  

Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching and with it the opening of 
Theatre Eastern's latest production(s), The Glass Menagerie and For Whom 
the Southern Belle Tolls.  The opening performance will be Thurs. at 
12:15 with an evening performance at 7:30, and another evening 
performance on Friday at 7:30.  (For a sneak peek, there will be an open 
dress rehearsal at 12:15 tomorrow you can attend if you have some free 
time.)  I hope I manage to make it to one of the performances.  I hate 
to miss any of the wonderful productions our theatre department puts on. 
   Tickets to the general public are $3.00 and are well worth it.

And this evening we'll be having Winter Rock Jam here in the Ballroom, 
featuring the great local band Oversoul and the Edge of the End band 
from Coalgate starting at 6:00 pm.  These performances are FREE!  You 
can't beat a deal like that!  Come on out and get your groove back.  

Our menu for today includes:

                Mashed potatoes and brown gravy
                Broccoli with cheese sauce
                Glazed carrots
                Corn on the cob
                Pasta bar
                Hot rolls
                Meat and cheese nachos with Fritos
                Waffle fries

And for dessert have some luscious Ice Cream and Toppings.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)  
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