[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Jan. 14

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jan 14 10:14:13 CST 2008

Hi folks,

I hope you all had a great weekend.  My daughter was at a sleepover with 
several friends way out in the country Saturday night when a life and 
death emergency occurred.  They had just enough cell phone battery power 
left to make one last desperate emergency phone call, "Mom!  Bring phone 
chargers!"  It was as if their life support had been shut off!   I 
hadn't realized it was so foggy til I started trying to get out to where 
they were staying on an unfamiliar road in the dark, lost as a goose.  I 
couldn't drive over 35 MPH because I couldn't see far enough ahead in 
most areas.  Luckily no deer or bear or even Bigfoot (Bigfeet?) jumped 
out in front of me on the trip and I arrived all in one piece with the 
whole list of stuff I was supposed to bring:  phone chargers, laptop, 
candy.  They could hardly start the party without me and then didn't 
even ask me to stay!  Kids!

Our menu for today includes:

                Egg rolls
                Asian blend vegetables
                Fried rice
                Meat and cheese nachos
                Tuna salad
                Baked potato bar

And for dessert today, concoct your own ice cream experience, with our 
Ice Cream and Toppings.  (Some of the ladies say it's really good with 
some of our new orange pop in it.  Just like a Dreamsicle!  Yum!)

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)   

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