[Eoscstudents] Thank You

Alanna Ralls aralls at eosc.edu
Thu Jan 24 09:30:33 CST 2008

We had over 100 students and 12 universities in attendance for Transfer 
Day.  I would like to thank Student Services, the Bookstore, Enrollment 
Management, Keith Lewis, and Academic Affairs for their support.  I 
would also like to that the faculty for allowing to assist with transfer 
day. A special thanks to Wesley White, Corey Traylor, Manuel Franklin, 
Whitney Sparks, and Michelle Tengbeh for distributing flyers and 
decorating. Without them yesterday would not have been possible. Also, a 
thank you to Dr. Smith for coming by and speaking with the different 
universities.  It showed that Eastern cares about our students beyond 
our college.  


Alanna Ralls
Transfer Enrollment Manager
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