[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. July 28

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jul 28 10:03:26 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Well, we survived our big Singing School Camp one more time.  They're 
always a wonderful group and we really enjoy the day when they sing for 
their lunch, but it's a really tiring week for us, too.  Now that that's 
over, it won't be too long before the hustle and bustle of the school 
year will begin again.  Hard to believe the summer has gone by so 
quickly.  The heat has really set in now, though.   I could've happily 
gone all year without hearing (or feeling) that we were hitting the 
triple digits.  I had to take my daughter school clothes shopping 
yesterday and I could hardly stand to look at anything that had sleeves 
in it, or any long pants, much less long sleeved outfits.  (Yes, I was 
looking for stuff for me while she was off in her department.  I usually 
look a lot and come home with just a little.) 

We'll all be eating in the West Cafeteria again this week.  I know we 
had everyone lost last week when we had them all going to the other side 
to eat, but we're back to what passes for normal around here again, so 
it's back to the side the with Ice Cream Machine!   Yaaaaay!   We've 
gotten a little adventurous over here too.  Instead of the usual Vanilla 
and Chocolate ice cream, Irene has concocted a new Fruit Punch flavor 
you've got to try.  I haven't tried it yet, but if it tastes as good as 
it looks, it'll be a big hit!

Our menu for today includes:
             Mashed potatoes and brown gravy
             Seasoned green beans
             Scandinavian blend vegetables
             Corn dogs
             Fritos corn chips

And for dessert, cool off with some of our soft serve Ice Cream and 
Toppings.  (Don't forget to try our new Fruit Punch flavor.)

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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