[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. June 2

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jun 2 10:18:45 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Don't know how many of you have run into this little problem, but it got 
me a couple of times last week.  My usual exit route is to cut down in 
front of the Fieldhouse and turn right to pass in front of the DOC 
dorm.  When construction started on the new building, I noticed that the 
passage across campus had been blocked for safety purposes, but that 
didn't bother me since I don't usually go that way.  (Yes, I had read 
the memo about this, but you know how some things don't sink in until 
they intrude into your part of the world.)   Anyway, one day last week, 
I did my usual thing, cutting down in front of the Fieldhouse, intending 
to turn in front of the DOC dorm, only to find that passage blocked, so 
I had to make the loop and go out on the other side of the Fieldhouse.  
Being the creature of habit that I am, I did this twice last week before 
I decided that they really were going to leave that passage blocked 
off.  At this time, if you're going to be on campus and need to go from 
one side to the other, it looks like you'll have to get back out on the 
highway and "travel" across instead of using the usual passage from one 
side to the other.

On the up side of things, I noticed that while it may not be as large as 
the Great Wall of China, or as famous as the Berlin Wall, our little 
"Great Wall of Eastern" has once again been repaired.  Construction 
workers were hard at it last week putting back together this giant, 
heavy jigsaw puzzle.  I have always liked our little rock wall out 
front, and hated to see it damaged, but it's back in good shape now.  
With as many rocks as we have in this area, you'd think there'd be more 
rock walls around, but I'm afraid stone masons are few and far between. 

Our menu for today includes:

            Steak fingers
            Baked potatoes
            Mashed potatoes and white gravy
            Sweet peas
            Deli selections
            Potato chips

And for dessert, have a piece of Cheesecake.  Yummm!

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)         
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