[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. March 10

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Mar 10 09:59:52 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

I hope you all enjoyed the weekend.  I really enjoyed having an extra 
hour of daylight yesterday evening.   Unfortunately not everyone is 
enjoying themselves.  We've got 3 people out today trying to get over 
whatever bug they've come down with, so the rest of us are stretched 
pretty thin.  I was out trying to help make sack lunches a while ago, so 
if there are any snafus in that area, please remember I'm kinda new at 
that particular job.   (If we see any people standing around with signs 
that say "Will Work for Food" we just might take them up on it today!) 

Many thanks to all of you who came out for our first Sunday Lunch Buffet 
yesterday.  We had a good turnout and hope to gain attendance as the 
word spreads.  From what I hear, the Sunday Buffet was a big thing here 
back in the early '80's, so maybe we can revive an old tradition, and 
give people another good choice of somewhere to eat on Sunday 
afternoon.  We serve from 11:00 to 1:30, or as Ruth Brelsford puts it, 
"from after Catholic church til after Baptist church".   Remember word 
of mouth is the best advertisement, so tell your friends about our 
Sunday Lunch Buffet.

Belated birthday wishes to Gail Richey who celebrated her birthday on 
Friday March 7, and to Noreen Dollins who celebrated hers on the 9th. 

Our menu for today includes:

            Broccoli with cheese sauce
            Baked potato bar
            Garlic bread
            Broccoli and cheese soup

And for dessert, have some of our Soft Serve Ice Cream.   

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)  
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