[Eoscstudents] FW: [Okhigheredgrants] NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduate Students at Auburn University in Biosensers

Ann Owens aowens at eosc.edu
Fri Mar 14 08:38:48 CDT 2008

FYI                         You or someone you know may be interested in
this opportunity.


Ann Owens

Director of Development

Foundation/Alumni Relations

1301 West Main

Wilburton, OK 74578

918-465-1761 office

918-465-4492 fax

918-916-0715 Cell





From: okhigheredgrants-bounces at lists.onenet.net
[mailto:okhigheredgrants-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Mason, Linda
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 1:22 PM
To: okhigheredgrants at lists.onenet.net
Subject: [Okhigheredgrants] NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduate
Students at Auburn University in Biosensers


Auburn University will provide 10 summer internships to undergraduates for
participation in an REU Site Program sponsored by NSF in collaboration with
the Department of Defense through the Awards to Stimulate and Support
Undergraduate Research Experiences (ASSURE) program. This
multi-disciplinary, multi-departmental REU program is open to all
undergraduates enrolled in Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering. Students
will conduct an independent research on the development of sensors and
biosensors. The program will emphasize hands-on research experiences.
Students will participate in weekly seminars to understand how sensors can
be used in different areas of biology and engineering. The program will also
provide preparation for graduate school, discussion on ethics in science,
and social activities to foster the integration of students into the
research environment. Upon completion of the projects, all students will
communicate their results through poster presentations. 


Students will also be encouraged to publish their findings in different
scientific research journals. A student database will be maintained to
contact students and monitor their progress after they have completed the
program. Women, underrepresented minorities and first generation college
students from institutions serving minorities or from institutions with
limited research opportunities are especially encouraged to apply. 


All stipends, room, board and travel expenses are provided. For more
information visit our website at http://www.ag.auburn.edu/nsfbiosensors/, or
contact the Program Director at oyarzoa at auburn.edu or 334-844-2608.



Linda Mason, Ed.D.

Coordinator for Grant Writing and External Funding

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73104


lmason at osrhe.edu



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