[Eoscstudents] Eastern Mail Box Holders

dsims at eosc.edu dsims at eosc.edu
Thu May 1 09:56:14 CDT 2008

Attention all Mail Box Holders at Eastern,
As of today, May 1st., the United States Post Office will longer be running the post office at Eastern. Eastern has taken over that responsibility and will offer most of the same services as before. In the future, we hope to offer even more services for your convenience.
If you are a mail box holder at Eastern, your box rent is due today. We have adopted the same policies as the post office. If your box rent is not paid by the close of business today, we will have to block your box and hold your mail. If your box rent is not paid within 10 days, your mail will be sent back to the sender and we will close your box. So, please stop by not later than 12:00 noon and take care of your box rent to avoid interruption. 
If you plan on using another service please return your box key(s) and put in a change of address.
If you have any questions please stop by or call me.
Eastern Mail and Shipping Office
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