[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. May 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue May 6 10:04:12 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

I hope you brought your umbrellas today, and you'd better have them 
handy tomorrow, too.  The weather report predicted an 80% chance of rain 
today, but when I looked outside a while ago, it was 100% 
raining....hard!   (And that was what they predicted for tomorrow, so 
imagine what it'll do then!) 

Slightly belated Happy Birthday wishes go out to newly engaged Anne 
Hester, our nursing grant coordinator, and Neil Enis, our greenhouse 
guy, for their birthdays yesterday.   (Neil may be so tired what with 
new twin daughters at his house, that he may not even realize he had a 
birthday, and Anne's probably got "wedding on the brain"!)

Be sure and bring some $ tomorrow and check out the Staff Council 
sponsored Jewelry Sale in the East Cafeteria.  Remember, Mother's Day is 
this Sunday, and it's not too late to get a nice graduation present for 
that special graduate.  And pick up something for yourself while you're 
at it.  You're bound to see something you like, and the prices are very 

Once again, please remember to spread the word that the Cafeteria will 
not be open this Friday evening for dinner.  If you were planning on 
eating here, you will need to pick up a sack lunch before 2:00 Friday 

Our menu for today includes:

          Chicken strips
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Green beans
          Hot rolls
          Beef fajitas

And for dessert have a hunk of Cookie Bar!

Have a great day, but keep that umbrella handy!

Rhoda   :-)

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