[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Nov. 5

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 5 10:04:04 CST 2008

Hi folks,

Well, the elections with all the mudslinging, arguing, and general 
nastiness are over.  I hope the best person won in all cases.  
Unfortunately, you don't really know that til afterwards.  Hindsight is 
20/20 they say.   Either way I know there are some people out there that 
are ecstatic and relieved this morning, while others are depressed and 
possibly even afraid.  I'm just hoping for better times for this country 
in the future, especially concerning the economy.  

Don't forget about the Centennial Celebration at the clock tower at 
Noon.  It's hard to believe Eastern is officially 100 years old!  Almost 
as old as our state!  We've really come a long way from the School of 
Mines to Eastern A & M to the Eastern Oklahoma State College we know 
today.  Like a chunk of coal turning into a diamond.

Ladies, (and men who want to impress their special lady),  don't forget 
to stop by the big jewelry sale in the East Cafeteria today.  Cecil & 
Co. have all their goodies on display and you just might find that 
perfect accessory you've been looking for.  I'm sure June or her mom 
would be glad to help you find something you can't live without, and a 
portion of the proceeds will go to help the Staff Council pay for the 
picnic coming up in the spring so be generous and good to yourself.   
Get a new piece of jewelry or purse to show off!

Our menu for today includes:
             Indian tacos
             Pinto beans
             Oven fried potatoes
             Sauerkraut and smoked sausage
             Tuna salad
             Potato chips
             Hot rolls

And for dessert have some Carrot Cake.

Have a great 100th year celebration day,

Rhoda  :-)
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