[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Oct. 15

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Oct 15 09:58:55 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Well, we've almost got this week whipped.  The rest of the week will be 
a piece of cake, (probably funnel cake at the Fall Festival actually).  
Sound good to you?

I've noticed lately that since it's been cooler and we've been getting 
some rain, some of my flowers are starting to take an interest in 
actually living.  My Crape Myrtles are blooming, along with some red 
spider lilies? that popped up from nowhere.  My beautiful purple 
clematis vine that trails over my archway is actually looking alive 
again and got quite a few blooms on it for a plant that looked like it 
was history just a few weeks ago.  I have a few phlox and obedient 
plants in front of the house that have managed to outwit the weeds and 
put on a few blossoms, and if I get up early enough, I get to enjoy the 
beautiful blue morning glories that have seeded themselves all around 
our house.  Even the little white flowers on the bindweed are pretty.  
(And don't forget the orange trumpet or hummingbird vine that is slowly 
sucking the siding off the end of our house!)  All that should give the 
migrating butterflies plenty of nourishment on their way south, if our 
one little resident hummingbird doesn't chase them away.  I've noticed 
some of the foliage starting to change to its autumn wardrobe lately, so 
be sure and get out these next few days and take it all in.  It may not 
be at peak color yet, but it's still worth it just to get out, breathe 
the fresh air and enjoy the day. 

Be sure to wish Keith Lewis a Happy Birthday today.  He's a great guy.  
I'm not sure how old he actually is, but he's worked here a looooong 
time so you do the math.

Another one of our technical expert guys, Jeff Weems, will be 
celebrating his birthday on Friday.  You know you're special when 
everybody gets two days off for your birthday!   

I should be sending out another email later today detailing the 
Cafeteria's schedule for the next few days.  Watch for it if you plan on 
eating here.  

Our menu for today includes:
             Fried chicken
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green beans
             California blend vegetables
             Baked potato bar

And for dessert have some Chocolate or Banana Cake.

Have a great Fall Break,

Rhoda   :-)
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