[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Oct. 28\

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Oct 28 09:41:08 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Brrrr!!!  My computer says it's 29 degrees outside and there was frost 
forming on my windshield just a little bit this morning!  Our friends 
Zule, LaDonna Howell's right hand girl,  and George Gomez of the 
Oklahoma Miner's Training Institute over in Baker Hall are already 
discovering that Oklahoma winters are way different than the  Florida 
ones they're used to.  The wood stove they're using to heat their home 
is already proving to be too small for the job, (and it hasn't even 
gotten very cold yet!)  If anyone has or knows someone who has a good 
sized one for sale, please let them know before the real cold weather 
sets in!  Looking at the extended forecast though, it appears that it 
will be getting warmer for the next several days, so maybe they'll have 
some time to come up with something that'll keep them from getting 

One of our neighbors came up the hill yesterday evening to let me know 
that she had just seen a vehicle dump out a bunch of cats at City Lake, 
and since someone had already dumped a bunch of kittens on them, her 
husband wouldn't let her rescue them.  The first cold night so far and 
that's when someone chose to dump their pets out in the middle of 
nowhere!  My daughter and I drove over there, and pulled up to the spot 
our neighbor told us she had seen them.  We didn't see anything, but I 
stopped the car and Destiny opened the door to get out and immediately 
there was scurrying in the fallen leaves right next to us.  She 
shrieked, jumped back in the car and slammed the door.  Then she 
realized it wasn't some big wild monster trying to eat her, but just 
hungry cats both big and little.  They were friendly enough so we were 
able to catch most of them, five in all,  and take them home to be fed 
and bedded down.  We couldn't convince the larger two of  the bunch to 
go with us, so when we got the first five home and fed, we went back 
with some food for them.  Maybe this evening we can go back and rescue 
the last two.  I know we'll have to buy a big bag of cat food today!  
Anyone need a cat or a kitten?  We definitely have more than we need, 
since we already had too many, but couldn't leave that whole batch of 
kitties out there to become coyote food.  Anyone who could do that just 
shouldn't even have pets.

If you need a flu shot before Nov. 17 when you can get one on campus, 
they will be giving them at the Health Dept. today, so call down there 
and check it out.  They say it's important for anyone with respiratory 
problems, like asthma, to get one so I'm going to try to get down there 
and get mine today.   An ounce of prevention, you know.
Our menu for today includes:
             Chicken wraps
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Broccoli and cheese casserole
             Black eyed peas
             Fried squash
             Hot rolls

And for dessert have some luscious hot Fruit Cobbler.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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