[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Sept. 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Sep 8 09:42:10 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Wasn't it a wonderful weekend?  We had a PAWS adoption day and had 
terrific results with 16 dogs getting new homes!  I even got a little 
bit of a sunburn sitting out there with the ladies and dogs for several 
hours.  Of course, we couldn't adopt them all out, and I hated to see 
any have to go back to the pound, but it happens, and our local 
dogcatcher, Kenny Houston,  is really great to work with us on our 
adoption days to help keep as many of these wonderful companion animals 
from having to be killed.  With the weather cooling off, we should be 
able to start having more frequent adoption days now.  We have to shut 
down during the hot part of the year and the cold part of the year, as 
it's just too much on us as well as the animals to be exposed to the 
extreme temperatures for hours on end.

Happy birthday wishes go out to Mimi Kelley who celebrated her birthday 
this past Saturday, Danny Foster who is celebrating  becoming just a dab 
older than me today, and Elaine Smith of our Antlers campus who will 
celebrate her big day tomorrow.

I feel like I'm half crippled this morning.  My left elbow is swollen 
and hurts and everyone that looks at it says it has a little red spot on 
it.  They're about to make me paranoid that I've gotten a spider bite.  
I have seen some really nasty looking pictures of spider bites and trust 
me, I don't want one!  If nothing else, and that is what it turns out to 
be, I'm glad it's on the back of my elbow where I won't have to look at it!

I got startled out of a nice comfortable snooze this morning by a really 
loud squawking coming from outside the house.  I just knew something 
(probably one of those doggone raccoons) had gotten another chicken, and 
figured I would be way too late to save it, when it squawked again, so I 
figured, well, I just had to try.   I got my shoes on, grabbed up the 
flashlight and took off out through the wet grass and weeds (bad elbow 
and all) to try to at least find the scene of the crime.  I found one of 
my young white hens lying in the grass looking practically dead.  I 
guess my mad charge into the darkness has scared away whatever was 
trying to make a snack out of her.  I reached down to try and pick her 
up, only to find that she had plenty of life left in her, and was still 
fully capable of letting out a squawk that would put a fire alarm to 
shame.  She jumped up and ran like I was going to eat her, squawking all 
the way, until she finally "hid" in a clump of weeds.  I waded over 
there and was finally able to get a good hold on her and the flashlight 
and get back into the  house.  I left her in a cat carrier today just 
for safekeeping.  She may well be the only chicken we have left.  We did 
get another big Muscovy duck this weekend, as we've had one of those for 
a while and nothing seems to mess with them.  I wish I could train them 
to guard chickens and kittens! 

Our menu for today includes:
          Broccoli with cheese sauce
          Baked potato bar
          Garlic bread
          Potato cubes
And for dessert, have some luscious Ice Cream and Toppings.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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