[Eoscstudents] Yearbooks are here

Kristen Turner kturner at eosc.edu
Thu Apr 30 11:04:50 CDT 2009

The 2008-2009 yearbooks are here and you can come and get your copy today. Just come by Mitchell 102B or Mitchell 109 to get one.
Unfortunately, due to an unforeseen error, if you marked that you would like to purchase a yearbook at enrollment, it was not entered into the computer system and you were not charged for one. So if you would like to purchase a yearbook, you will have to pay $35.
If you have purchased a yearbook directly through the Business Office and not through enrollment, you will be able to come pick yours up as usual.
I hope that this does not discourage you all from purchasing a yearbook. We will be selling them through the beginning of the summer, so if you need to wait a while before you can come up with the money, you will still be able to purchase one!

Kristen Turner 
Eastern Journalism Dept. 
(918) 465-1720
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