[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Aug. 10

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 10 09:59:29 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Welcome back to our returning Sophomores and Faculty and welcome to our 
incoming Freshmen!  It's an exciting time isn't it?  I'm sure you're all 
excited about our new Student Center which was completed over the 
summer, and houses the Bookstore managed by Ali Martinez and her crew, 
Post Office run by  Doug Sims, Ballrooms, Campus Security Office headed 
by Mike Nowlin, Dean of Students Sally Davis' office, Student Activities 
Coordinator/Cheerleading sponsor Elizabeth Duncan's office, Housing 
Manager Kerrie Green's office,  Student Government meeting room, Grants 
Writer Kathy Raunikar, a classroom and of course the Cafeteria and Cyber 
Cafe.  Come check us out!

Thankfully I can now answer the question about where a missing hamster 
would turn up if he was loose in your house.  Evidently he had his 
cheeks stuffed with sunflower seeds before he made his escape, so he 
didn't have to worry about food, but he did need a drink of water.  
Friday evening after the fish fry, I noticed a movement out of the 
corner of my eye when I was in the bathroom and there the little critter 
was trying to figure out how to get out of the bathtub where he'd 
evidently gone to find a drink of water.  I had actually been afraid 
that he was history from the second he hit the floor with all our little 
dogs in the house, but he's a pretty sly character and managed to avoid 
the whole lot of them, but the bathtub proved too big a challenge for 
him.  I got him back in his cage and turned him and all his goodies over 
to Pat Ratliff this morning to become the Zoology class mascot, (if he 
doesn't escape again).   Good luck with the little cutie, Pat.  It 
should be very educational for your students.

Our menu for today includes:
             Stuffed peppers
             Chicken strips
             Baked potato bar
             California blend vegetables
             French fries
And for dessert have a delicious Chocolate Brownie or a Cinnamon Roll.

Have a great day and thanks for choosing Eastern,

Rhoda   :-)

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