[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Aug. 19

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Aug 19 09:58:38 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

We now have several interesting new "old" pictures up in our building 
you need to come check out.  Various scenes from Eastern's past were 
hung in the Cafeteria yesterday, (most of them are even older than 
me!).   There's one from way back when Eastern had a football team, and 
another of a (marching?) band!   Even though most of them are from way 
back, I keep finding myself trying to recognize people in them, but so 
far I haven't.  (I really like the one of our old Student Union Building 
all lit up at night with a red sky in the background.  I like how 
unusual and colorful it is.)  Upstairs I noticed they have kind of a 
timeline of the front of campus featuring the main Eastern sign in it's 
different incarnations through the years.  The pictures were taken about 
20 years apart, and I have to admit, I can recognize the latest 3!  (Of 
course, the newest one is still new so it doesn't count as 20 years on 
my age yet.)  There are also some mining pictures upstairs, which is 
appropriate, since this was originally the School of Mines and 
Metallurgy, and this whole area was big coal mining territory back in 
the day.  (Every time someone starts construction around Wilburton, I 
wonder if they're going to get an unexpected "free basement" in the 
deal, by digging into an old coal mine!) 

Congratulations go out to July Employee of the Month, Alan Moss, of the 
Maintenance Dept.  His wife, Julie, got the award a few months ago, so 
he had to scramble to keep up!  Alan is a real character, always cutting 
up and joking, while still getting his tasks done, and done well.  He's 
always been good to us here in the Cafeteria in seeing that whatever we 
needed done, gone done without a long wait if it was possible.  After 
all, we've got to keep things running so we can keep cooking and Alan is 
always a big help with that.  (We might slip him a biscuit and sausage 
every now and then just to stay on his good side.)
Our menu for today includes:
             Chicken and dumplings
             Green beans
             Baked potato bar
             Sauerkraut and weiners
             Chicken strips
             French fries
             Hot rolls

And for dessert, have some All American Apple Cobbler!

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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