[Eoscstudents] SSS Books, calculators, and tape recorders

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Fri Dec 4 16:17:46 CST 2009

If you have borrowed a book from Student Support Services, please return 
them after you have finised using them to study for finals. 

Some students have borrowed calculators and tape recorders as well.  
These need to be returned also.  You will need to return them to Cindy 
Waldrop, Administrative Assistant.

Please let us know if you will be needing a book next semester.  Contact 
June Haynes at 465-1822 to reserve a book.

If you do not return borrowed items, the cost could be added to your 
account in the Business Office, or your transcript could be placed on 
hold.   Please call or visit with Mrs. Haynes to make arrangements to 
return the items.

Thank you,
Sue Lovett, SSS
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