[Eoscstudents] [Fwd: Fund Raising--Update]

Sally Davis sdavis at eosc.edu
Wed Dec 9 14:45:29 CST 2009

To all students and club sponsors.  Please see the message below.  
Please call or e-mail me if you have questions.  Sal

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Fund Raising--Update
Date: 	Tue, 08 Dec 2009 09:53:23 -0600
From: 	Vic Woods <vwoods at eosc.edu>
To: 	'Sally Davis' <sdavis at eosc.edu>, 'Aric Thomas' <athomas at eosc.edu>
CC: 	lwhite at eosc.edu, 'Sheila Rowsey' <srowsey at eosc.edu>

After the decision I made yesterday about fund raising I have thought 
through the process and decided to provide more clarity to make sure we 
are fair and equitable to all students and clubs.


1.       We do allow college sponsored clubs and students who officially 
belong to a college sponsored club to sell club approved merchandise, 
tickets, or raffle items to fund raise for a college sponsored club 
activity, event or trip.

2.       We do not allow students to solicit the sale of merchandise, 
tickets, or raffle items for personal gain at college sponsored events 
or on college grounds.

3.       We do allow students to approach college employees one on one 
in the work place with fund raising items as long as it does not disrupt 
the work environment.

4.       We do allow students to set up a table on campus and at some 
campus sponsored events to solicit the sale of merchandise, tickets, or 
raffle items. The Dean of Students must approve the event and placement 
of the table.

5.       We do not allow students to approach our campus guest one on 
one to solicit the sale of merchandise, tickets, or raffle items for a 
fund raiser.

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