[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday Feb. 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Feb 6 09:46:14 CST 2009

Hi folks,

Wow, that's encouraging to find that we had 25 people sign up for our 
Biggest Loser Contest here at Eastern!  Some lucky person is going to 
win enough money to buy the new clothes they're going to need when they 
win this thing!   Loma is right about that cartoon about tooth fillings 
being particularly appropriate, where the lady is telling her doctor 
that she can't lose weight because she has metal fillings in her teeth 
and her refrigerator magnets keep pulling her to the kitchen!

 Don't forget to attend the wonderful Sweetheart Soiree this Saturday 
evening at 7:00 at the White House on campus.  There will be wonderful 
refreshments and entertainment, as well as wonderful people to meet and 
talk with and divine goodies and items to bid on in the silent 
auction.   We'll also be hosting the "Tie One on for the Arts" contest, 
taking votes with dollars for the favorite decorated "tie".  (And 
remember, the refreshments shouldn't hurt your Biggest Loser chances as 
long as you remember two words....portion control!)

Our lunch menu for today includes:
             Crispy cube potatoes
             Black eyed peas
             Winter blend vegetables with cheese
             Macaroni and cheese
             BBQ bologna
             Hot rolls

And for dessert we'll be serving Carrot Cake.  (Sorry, but no, I really 
don't think this counts as a vegetable serving.)

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda    :-)

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