[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Jan. 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jan 8 09:54:49 CST 2009

Hi folks,

Okay, is anyone else with me?  I just caught myself while trying to run 
my previous day's daily report putting Jan. 7, 2008.  And I thought I 
was doing so well on that front!  Hadn't caught myself doing it once, 
(probably mostly because I hadn't been writing any checks and that's 
where that problem usually shows up the worst.)  Maybe by June I'll be 
used to writing 2009. 

I'm glad the water break on campus was able to be taken care of fairly 
quickly yesterday.  It's hard to run a cafeteria without running water!  
Of course Sheryl warned us in time to draw up some before it was shut 
off so that was a big help.  What a relief it will be to get into the 
new building and have all new plumbing and facilities!  We've just about 
wrung all the use out of these old systems in this building that we 
can.  I'm sure this building was up to date when it was built, but 
everything has changed so much since then.  My office has 2 electrical 
outlets with 2 plugs ins each, and I have had to get two power strips to 
use in here since every modern thing is electrical, (even the pencil 
sharpener!)  It's good to look over and see all the progress being made 
on the new building. 

Just a reminder, the Cafeteria will close after lunch tomorrow, remain 
closed Saturday and Sunday until dinner, when we will open to serve 
dinner to our returning dorm students.

Our menu for today includes:
                Grilled chicken wraps
                Au gratin potatoes
                Great northern beans
                Hot rolls
                Potato chips
And for dessert have some yummy Bread Pudding.

Have a great day,

Rhoda  :-)
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