[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Jan. 27

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jan 27 09:49:03 CST 2009

Hi folks,

Well, here in Wilburton we really got off lucky and didn't get iced 
in...yet anyway.  Oh yeah, all the trees, cars and even weeds are 
ice-coated, but the roads are more wet, rather than frozen, and when I 
was outside last rain was falling, not ice, sleet or snow.  Now if all 
that freezes up we're in trouble, but so far it's not so bad.  People 
were able to make it in without much difficulty.  According to the 
Weather Channel on my computer though, temperatures aren't really going 
up any today, and are actually expected to drop a few degrees, so things 
could get nasty before it's over with.  We had been told yesterday that 
we would be getting a crew of about 300 PSO workers to house and feed 
due to the anticipated major ice event that didn't really develop as 
foretold, at least not here.  That's been cancelled at this point.  Of 
course, you know the saying about Oklahoma weather; anything can 
happen.  I noticed a lot of the surrounding schools both north and west 
of us have cancelled classes today, but Wilburton, Panola, Red Oak and 
points south are open for business.  

Our menu for today includes:
             Crispy cube potatoes
             Green beans
             Hot ham and cheese on a bun
             Potato chips
             Hot rolls

And for dessert:  Cheesecake!

Bundle up and have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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