[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. July 1

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jul 1 10:55:51 CDT 2009

Happy New Fiscal Year,

Let's hope this New Fiscal Year brings great things to our budgets!  (I 
know my budget could sure use some improvement!) 

You can tell it's getting close to the 4th of July when you start 
hearing firecrackers going off.  Personally, I guess I'm past the age 
when I like the loud ones, and more to the age when I just like to look 
at the pretty, sparkles in the night sky, (unless of course I get an 
opportunity to sneak up on someone and really scare the heck out of them 
with a firecracker, preferably someone who's done it to me in the 
past!)  Cigarette loads have always been my absolute favorite for 
pranks, but some people, (mainly smokers), don't seem to share my 

I'm still looking for a good home, (preferably with a fenced yard or 
lots of running room out in the country), for the Min-Pin I took in to 
foster a week or so ago.  She's very friendly and affectionate, thinks 
she's a lap dog, but is too big for my lap, and seems to be very smart, 
(if only I was smart enough to know how to train her.)   I've seen 
Min-Pins that were about chihuahua size, but she's about knee high or 
better, and looks just like a small Doberman.   If you know of someone 
who could give her a good home, please let me know.  My smaller dogs are 
tired of getting stepped on!

Our menu for today includes:
             Pork chops
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Brussels sprouts
             Scandinavian blend vegetables
             Pinto beans
             Shrimp poppers
             French fries
             Hot rolls

And for dessert have a wonderful piece of Cheesecake!

Have a great July 1,

Rhoda   :-)

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