[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. July 23

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jul 23 10:22:35 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

I hope a lot of you got to go eat in our new building yesterday.  I had 
a waffle this morning and it was yummy!  That's going to be nice, being 
able to have those wonderful waffles any morning you're in the mood for 
one.  There's really been a lot of hard work going on to get us moved in 
and able to feed everyone over there, and still more will need to be 
done before we're really all settled in.  Our offices are still here in 
the old building, but we will eventually be making the move too if I 
have to use cases of canned vegetables for a desk!

Creature Feature:  If anyone out there would like a pet gerbil or 
hamster I think, yesterday I got custody of  one that had been abandoned 
or lost in one of the college apartments that had been vacated.  I'm not 
really up on my rodents, but it's NOT a mouse or a rat.  It is blondish 
and white with a short tail, and I named it Mark, since Mark Hill is the 
one who made sure I got it.  (If it turns out to be a girl, I'll call it 
Carolyn, since Carolyn Prock is the one who got the surprise of finding 
it in a drawer she was about to clean out in the apartment!)  Let me 
know if you want to give this little critter a good home.  He's a big 
large for the hamster cage I've got at the house.  He fills the whole 
tunnel when he crawls through it, but he seems to enjoy doing it.

Our menu for today includes:
                Cabbage rolls
                Blackeyed peas
                Zucchini and tomatoes
                Crispy cube potatoes
                Chicken strips
                French fries

And for dessert have a piece of luscious Orange Sheet Cake.

Of course, our grill menu is available.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)    

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