[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. May 11

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon May 11 10:04:00 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

It looks like the drizzle that was falling earlier has stopped, at least 
for a little while.   Can't guarantee how long, though, since it seems 
like we've been in one of those almost Biblical rainy seasons.  Has it 
been 40 days and 40 nights yet?  It seems like it to me.  I think even 
our duck is getting tired of all this water.

I got to attend the 100th graduation at EOSC Friday evening and listen 
to former Oklahoma governor George Nigh speak.  He gave a very 
encouraging and humorous talk letting the students and everyone else 
know that you can be somebody and do great things even if you come from 
a small place and humble beginnings.  He himself is from around 
McAlester, attended college here at Eastern, and knew from a young age 
that he wanted to be governor.   And the rest is history, as they say.  
He didn't let anything stop him from achieving his goal.  He also cited 
Carl Albert, known as the Little Giant from Little Dixie, who was from 
Bugtussle, (yes, there really is such a place; it wasn't just made up on 
the Beverly Hillbillies), and went on to become the Speaker of the House 
in Washington D. C.  If I'm not mistaken, that's about 3rd in the line 
of succession from the presidency, (way over my head). 

 I especially wanted to attend the graduation to be there for Asumi 
Saijo, a wonderful young lady from Japan, who has been helping me at our 
PAWS pens for a while now, and will be going back to Japan next week.   
She has been a very big help to me and to PAWS and I will really miss her.

Our menu for today includes:
          Spaghetti with meat sauce
          Chicken fried steak
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Sweet peas
          Baby carrots
          Winter blend vegetables
          Garlic bread

And for dessert, have a helping of Ice Cream and Toppings.

Have a great week and good luck with finals,

Rhoda    :-)

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