[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Nov. 11 Happy Veteran's Day! Grill Open Today

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 11 10:34:35 CST 2009

Hi folks,

Well, I am back in the saddle today, (or the office chair, actually), 
and feeling lots better.  I had started feeling sneezy and sniffly 
Friday evening, and had strong suspicions that something was about to 
hit me.  Boy, was I right!  By Friday night I could tell I'd come in 
direct contact with some kind of germ or another that I didn't want 
anything to do with, but it was too late to do all those sanitizing, 
germ killing avoidance manuevers, and evidently my extra Vitamin C and 
Echinacea didn't do the trick.  I'd already been bit!   By Saturday 
morning I was so stuffy I couldn't stand it.  I finally got in to see a 
doctor yesterday, and after a shot and a couple of prescriptions, I woke 
up feeling much better this morning.  Til I got to work and started 
getting sniffly and sneezy again.  (Do you think maybe I'm just allergic 
to work?  Hmmmm.)

Looks like I got back just in time to wish a Happy Birthday to Business 
Division Instructor and Chair, Kay Langham.  I hope she has a great 
birthday, even if she is probably spending it at work. 

Local librarian Shirley Bambeck, has announced an appearance by 
classical guitarist Peter Fletcher, tomorrow evening at 7:00 at the 
Latimer County Public Library to present a wonderful guitar performance 
that is FREE and open to the public!  Fletcher, who began studying 
guitar at the age of 7 under classical guitar instructor John 
Sutherland, has performed at Carnegie Hall numerous times, and promises 
to serenade the ear with various melodies happening at the same time 
creating the aural illusion of two instruments.  This is a wonderful 
opportunity for the general public and especially for music lovers to 
come and be swept away for an evening at your local library!

And another musical opportunity is coming up this weekend, with a 
Christian Contemporary Concert being held at the Presbyterian Church 
Saturday evening at 7:00.  The concert, sponsored by your Latimer County 
Arts Council, will feature various artists performing some wonderful, 
uplifting Christian Contemporary pieces.  Admission is $10 and wonderful 
refreshments will be served.  Come help support these artists, your Arts 
Council, and enjoy the music, the company and the refreshments!

Grill fans will be happy today, as we will have the Grill in operation 

Our menu for today includes:
          Hamburger steak
          Chicken fried steak sandwich
          Mashed potatoes and brown gravy
          French fries
          Steamed cabbage
          Monterrey blend vegetables
          Spiral noodles with Rotel cheese
And for dessert, have some yummy Ice Cream and Toppings.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)



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