[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Sept. 14

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Sep 14 09:59:47 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Wow, what a wet weekend we had!  That's 2 years in a  row that our 
family reunion has required umbrellas!  It was really nice though to get 
to see some cousins I hadn't seen in years, even if we were all wet 
around the edges.  And it's looking like there are chances of rain 
predicted for the foreseeable future, so you might as well break down 
and get your rain gear out if you haven't  already, or maybe go to the 
Bookstore and buy a poncho or one of those cool EOSC umbrellas.

Don't forget about the big Jewelry Sale today in the President's Dining 
Room!  There are lots of purses and all manner of "BLING" to choose from 
for you or someone else.  It's a little off the beaten path, but 
definitely worth finding!  Just look for the big purple JEWELRY SALE 
sign n the Cafeteria, and you're almost there!  All the merchandise is 
provided by Cecil and Co. Crafts, with June (Kim Ott Pick's mom) manning 
the show, and a portion of the proceeds going to benefit the Staff 
Council, to help pay for the Employee Picnic, and other worthwhile 
things.  Your business will be greatly appreciated!

Also, you can get your bling today and wear it to have your mug shot 
between 9:00 and 3:00 tomorrow or Wednesday here in the Cafeteria for 
the next EOSC yearbook.  (Those of you in the witness protection program 
or featured on America's Most Wanted may want to skip this event.)  But 
seriously, come have your picture taken for the yearbook.  When you go 
on and do great things in the world, we want proof that you got your 
start at Eastern!  Or when you have kids who are at that age when they 
think their parents are SO STUPID, you can pull out the old yearbook and 
show them you really did get a college education!    

Our menu for today includes:
                Salisbury steak
                Chicken strips
                French fries
                Mashed potatoes and gravy
                Scandinavian blend vegetables
And for dessert, have some Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)    
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