[Eoscstudents] Time is running out to travel to Europe......

Steven Akins sakins at eosc.edu
Tue Sep 22 13:21:35 CDT 2009

The deadline to sign-up for and pay for the Eastern Photography Club 
trip to Europe will be here soon. If you are interested in traveling 
and/or joining the club fundraisers, you should consider doing that soon 
because the very last day to enroll and pay for the trip is December 3rd.

This year's trip during Spring Break will be 9 days and will include 
Ireland, Wales and England. The cost for the nearly all-inclusive trip 
is less than $2300 for students and slightly more than $2600 for adults 
ages 23 and over. That price includes round-trip air, all hotels, most 
meals, tours, transportation and etc.  Another thing to remember.....we 
will be in Ireland on St. Paddy's day!!!

Our next photo club meeting will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday) in 
Mitchell Hall Room 109 (the Journalism classroom).

As always, you can find out more about the trip by going to the 
following web address:


Hope to see you at the meeting.

Steven Akins, Eastern Photography Club Co-sponsor
Office:  Mitchell Hall Room 106
Phone:  918-465-1803

PS   Photo Club Students are raffling off a brand new laptop computer 
and also a chance to win a shotgun as some of their fundraisers....so if 
you would like to get in on one or both of the raffles, contact me or 
find one of the students.

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