[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Sept. 30

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Sep 30 10:27:15 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Wow, I can't believe it's the 30th already!  I started to put the 29th, 
but I guess you can only be 29 so many times, right?  I did give my 
calendar a very dirty look when it confirmed that today actually is the 
30th.  I know the busier you are, the faster the days go by, and I've 
been really busy lately, so I guess that's what's happened.  And it 
still doesn't seem like I've finished a single thing I've been working on!

It's Biggest Loser weigh-in day once again.  I hope everyone is still 
encouraged and working toward their goal.  Remember to eat healthy, and 
get out and exercise while the wonderful weather holds.  Yard work is 
good exercise, and being outdoors in the fall is very enjoyable.  I saw 
a Monarch butterfly drift past my window yesterday, so I'm figuring 
their fall migration will be happening anytime. 

Go buy some plants at the Horticulture Plant Sale tomorrow and get out 
in the yard and plant them.  It's a win-win situation.  You help them by 
buying the plants, and then you get exercise digging holes to plant them 
in.  Not to mention making your hard look lovely for the fall. 

Our EOSC Fall Concert takes place tomorrow evening at 7:00 for the first 
time in the new Student Center, so be sure and come out and enjoy the 
wonderful music and the new facility.

The Princess and the Pea is being performed at 10:00 and again at 12:30 
today and tomorrow, so try and make it in to enjoy one of these 
performances, or maybe you're like me and will have better luck getting 
to the Friday evening performance.

Our menu for today includes:
            Chicken and dumplings
            Sub sandwiches
             Potato chips
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green beans
             Baked potatoes

And for dessert, have a helping of delicious Bread Pudding.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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