[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. April 5

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 5 10:21:08 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

Well, the Easter bunny made his rounds yesterday, and somehow according 
to the count, after thinking they were about 50 eggs short, the family 
egg hunt wound up with more eggs than they thought they started with!  I 
don't know how that happened, but maybe we should've hidden money 
instead!  (Come to think of it, I have always heard that bunnies 
multiply quickly!)  For the record, we didn't have any math majors in 
the group.

 From here, it looks like the tulips in the pots around the clock tower 
bloomed out this weekend, a bright sunny yellow.  They're the brightest 
thing I can see out there on this cloudy morning (aside from one guy's 
shirt).  I noticed the redbuds are coming into their color, as the 
Bradford pears have their petals scattered by the breeze.  And the new 
green spring leaves really show up against the grey sky.  I really 
wasn't ready for more rain and mud, but it does make the flowers bloom.  

It will be a busy day on campus tomorrow for those of us affected by the 
Scholastic Contest.  Of course, with no classes being held, lots of you 
will have a really easy day.   The Staff Council will be having a Frito 
Pie booth, probably outside the Student Center, so we're really hoping 
any rain holds off till another day.

Our menu for today includes:
     Broccoli and cheese
     Steamed red potatoes
     Corn on the cob
     Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a helping of Cheesecake, either plain or with a 
choice of toppings.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)


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