[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. April 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Apr 7 09:50:56 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

Gee, campus looks practically deserted after the swarm of high school 
kids from all over that hit us yesterday.  I had a couple of nephews 
competing in Algebra, (they didn't get it from me), and Susie Smith's 
daughter, Sydney Underwood, got 1st place in World History, I believe.  
I was going to go check out the results that had been posted on the 
windows in the Student Center, but by the time I got around to doing it, 
they were gone.  I'm sure there will be information on our Website as to 
the winners, etc.  Our Cyber Cafe proved to be a very popular attraction 
with the kids, doing a brisk business for several hours solid.  I know I 
got my exercise running back to the Business Office for change numerous 
times!   Now we should have a couple of fairly normal days before the 
FFA contest hits on Friday and has us running like crazy again.

Happy Birthday wishes go to our upstairs neighbor in the Student 
Services Office, Dana Lewis.  I know she's having to work today because 
I've already seen her here, but I hope she enjoys her day anyway.  And 
if I hear a wild party going on up there after a while, I'm coming up to 
join in!

Our menu for today includes:
          Fried chicken
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Green beans
          Fried squash
          Hot rolls

And a variety of desserts to choose from.

Don't forget our Grill is open.

Have a  great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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