[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. April 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Apr 8 09:55:17 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

It got chillier than I expected last night, and is still a bit cool out, 
but the sun is out and will warm it up pretty well before too long.  
It's supposed to get up into the 60s today, so it may not be as warm as 
yesterday, but it still looks like a gorgeous day outside!  I've been 
noticing a bluebird in the vicinity of our bluebird house in the back 
yard, so I may have to go check and see if we have a nest or any eggs, 
or if she's just house hunting.  I still haven't seen a thing around our 
martin house.  Maybe I need to put up a "Vacancy" sign.

Happy Birthday wishes go out today to Amanda White, Administrative 
Assistant in the Financial Aid office.  And for tomorrow, a little bird 
told me that student Chelsi White will be celebrating a birthday!   I 
hope they both have a great day and eat lots of cake!

We were discussing the price of groceries here in the Cafeteria the 
other day, and that got us to looking out the window, wondering just 
which part of the lawn we could till up for a vegetable patch.  It 
really started seeming like a good idea when we looked at the price of 
fresh vegetables!  I got a 6 pack of tomato plants at the Horticulture 
Plant Sale last week and I'm ready to try my hand at not killing them, 
(so far, so good).  Helen Scott says her hubby, Randy, plants in 5 
gallon buckets, and I've seen one of mom's neighbors just cut a slit in 
a bag of potting soil and plant a tomato in that, and recently the Topsy 
Turvy tomato planters have been hot sellers.  Maybe I'll experiment with 
a few different ways of planting and see what works the best.  (If I'm 
lucky, I'll at least get a big enough tomato to put on a BLT!)

Remember, no classes tomorrow, and we'll have scads of Aggie kids all 
over the place on campus!  It's going to be a busy day for the Cafeteria 

Our menu for today includes:
            Roast beef
            Mashed potatoes
            Brown gravy
            Baby carrots
            Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a piece of yummy Strawberry Cake!

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)  

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