[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday April 9

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 9 09:51:25 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

It looks like another gorgeous day outside.  That's good.  That way 
it'll be nice and warm when my husband has to fix our outdoor hydrant 
that broke off in my hand and shot me in the face yesterday.  What is it 
they say about no good deed going unpunished?  I was trying to hook up 
the hose to clean up a dog carrier and kennel pen a friend had loaned 
me, (along with 2 dogs to foster), when the whole  hydrant, all the way 
from the pipe in the ground to the faucet, broke off in my hand.  I'd 
been intending to take a shower, but not in the yard fully dressed!  
Talk about a surprise!  I never came so close to drowning on dry land!

Once again, there are lots of high school kids on campus for tests, this 
time all Agriculture related, and our regular classes are let out, 
giving our students and faculty an extra day of wonderful weekend to 
enjoy.   I understand OSU Extension Agent and 4H leader Tony Johnson 
will be on campus flipping burgers, (his favorite thing to do besides 
eating them),  for the group.

This time next week, Wilburton will be hosting the annual Green Frog 
Festival, with lots of food and entertainment to liven up your weekend, 
so be sure and mark your calendar so you don't miss a minute of the fun.

Our menu for today includes:
            Chili dogs
            Potato wedges

And for dessert have a yummy Chocolate Brownie.  You could even top it 
with some of our soft serve ice cream.

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda    :-)      

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