[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. April 12

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 12 10:02:23 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

Wow, were we busy Friday here in the Cafeteria and Cyber Cafe!  We just 
thought we were busy Tuesday with the Interscholastic contest, but it 
turned out to be just a warm-up exercise for Friday!  Those FFA students 
really went for the great sandwiches we serve up out of the Cyber Cafe!  
We'll have to remember to get lots more change next year, because once 
again, I was keeping the trail hot between here and the Business Office 
for $1s and quarters.  I looked at the results of the tests that were 
posted on our windows, and if they'd had some of these categories when I 
was in school way back when, I'd've probably taken FFA!  Back then, it 
seemed like it was all about raising farm animals to show and eat.  
Personally, if I spent that much time, energy and care on an animal, it 
might be having dinner with me, but no way would it become dinner for 
me.  I'd be all emotionally attached by then.  (That's why I have dogs 
and cats, instead of cows and pigs.  Cows are too big to be good house 
pets anyway.)   I could really get interested in the Horticulture, 
Landscaping, Floriculture, and that sort of stuff though. 

I had an email containing 5 tips to help lessen your allergy symptoms, 
but it would only let me get to the first one, which was wear glasses or 
sunglasses when outside.  (Evidently C. J.'s on to something!)  This 
will prevent so much pollen from getting into your eyes to make them red 
and irritated.  And man is there a LOT of it floating around out there!  
It's like every tree, shrub, flower and weed is just shooting out 
fountains of the stuff, filling the air and coating every surface with 
it.  Every vehicle is yellow this time of year.  I had to turn on my 
windshield wipers yesterday to get it all off the windshield so I could 
see where I was going.   Fall is another name for Autumn, and I think 
Sneezing Season might be another good name for Spring.

June Cecil has her Jewelry and Accessories set up for sale in the 
President's Dining Room today, and I believe part of the proceeds will 
add to Eastern's efforts to raise money for the Relay for Life fiight 
against cancer.  It's time to get yourself some new Spring Bling, in 
time for prom, Mother's Day, graduation or whatever reason you want to 
use.  Come check it out!

Our menu for today includes:
             Beef tips and rice
             Steamed broccoli
             Baby carrots
             Corn on the cob
             Hot rolls

And for dessert, try a helping of our luscious Peach Cobbler.

Have a great day,

Rhoda     :-)

P. S.  And don't forget, you can get hot off the grill breakfast items 
up until 10:00 a.m. Mon. thru Fri. just by coming over and placing your 

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