[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday April 23

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 23 10:18:13 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

I hope you all had a great Earth Day yesterday.  I did.  I took a day 
off and got a few things accomplished on the home front.  Some things 
are just hard to get done when you're at work all week.  Of course, the 
most "Earthy" thing I did was pulling some weeds and buying some topsoil 
on sale at Alco to plant my new little rosemary plant and the tomato 
plants I haven't managed to dry out or drown in.  Some of them look like 
they may survive in spite of my brown thumbs.  I do best with plants 
that thrive on what gardeners call "benign neglect".  Ones you can just 
leave alone and they look after themselves.  I did hear the first 
whippoorwill I've heard this year last night, and saw my first lightning 
bug, (unfortunately it flew into my windshield), so I'd better get on 
with it if I'm going to be brave and plant anything this year, I guess.  

If you have someone in your area who is doing an exceptional job for 
Eastern, you might want to nominate them for Employee of the Month.  You 
can find the form on our website, or any Staff Council member can get 
you a copy.  The deadline to nominate someone as Employee of the Month 
is the last business day of each month.  (The President, 
Vice-Presidents, and Staff Council members are not eligible to receive 
this award, and faculty has a separate award.)

There will be a Picnic Committee meeting today at 2:00 in the Library 
Conference Room for anyone interested in volunteering to help with the 
Employee Picnic.  Remember many hands make lighter work, and your help 
will be appreciated.

Our menu for today includes:
             Hot wings
             Potato wedges
             Baked beans
             Corn on the cob
             Cole slaw
             Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a serving of delicious Strawberry Shortcake.

Or visit our Grill for one of those great sandwiches!

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda   :-)
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