[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Dec. 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Dec 7 10:18:11 CST 2010

Hi folks,

Boy, this being Dec. 7th, or Pearl Harbor Day, really hits me quite a 
bit deeper after attending Candlelighting the other night, and seeing 
their recreation of what families actually went through when this "day 
of infamy" first occurred.   Let us hope and pray that there will be no 
more days like that. 

On a lighter note, one day down, and only four more days of finals week 
left!  I hope things are going well, and our students are prepared for 
their tests.  I know everyone is ready to get this week behind them and 
go onto Christmas break.  (I know I am!  I am SOOOO ready to not have to 
hear that doggone alarm clock for a while!  It's got to be my LEAST 
favorite appliance.) 

Very Happy Birthday wishes go out today to one of my favorite ladies on 
campus, Mrs. Marilynn Duncan, and also to second generation EOSC 
instructor, Mr. Philip Hawthorne.  I hope they both have a wonderful day.

There are several things going on on campus today, starting with the 
Horticulture Department Pointsettia and Houseplant Sale in the Student 
Center Lobby from  10:30 to 1:00, where you can get a beautiful 
Christmas gift for someone else, or something to decorate your own home, 
(it's good to have a touch of green in the dead of winter), the Phi 
Theta Kappa Christmas wrapping party when PTK members and volunteers 
wrap up all the much needed and appreciated Christmas gifts for families 
who might not have had a very merry Christmas otherwise,  and this 
afternoon at 2:00 in the Library Conference Room, there will be a Staff 
Council meeting if anyone is interested in attending just to find out 
what's up.

Our menu for today includes:
          Chicken and dumplings (Great stuff for a cold day)
          Brussels sprouts
          California blend
And for dessert, we're offering a variety of Cream Pies.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)


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