[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Jan. 12

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jan 12 09:43:37 CST 2010

Hi folks,

Things are looking up!  We're almost up to freezing already and the sun 
is shining.  We may actually thaw out a little bit today!  Sometimes 
though, I guess the thaw can be worse than the freeze.  (Kind of like 
the cure being worse than the disease, ya know?)  Yesterday evening 
right after I got home from work and my daughter and I were getting 
ready to take the dogs for a walk, she looked out into the front yard 
and pointed out a geyser that had just erupted from our outdoor 
hydrant.  Wonderful!  We'd had water during the whole deep freeze 
episode, but now that things were starting to thaw, things went sour.  
My husband came out, turned the water off, and tried to undo the piece 
with the fitting that had ruptured only to break something off down 
lower.  Then he had to get a shovel, and do some digging to see just how 
bad the damage was.  He decided we needed to run to a store and get some 
parts to do the repair with, and of course, I automatically said, "Why 
don't you go in and clean up and we'll go?"  Duh.  Cleaning up is a 
little harder when you've just shut your water off.  But it's kind of 
like when your lights go out and you automatically want to flip the 
switch on and see what the problem is.  We just don't realize how much 
we take these modern conveniences (or necessities) for granted til they 
quit working on us.

Be sure and make plans to see the SugarFree Allstars in Mitchell 
Auditorium at 7:00 this evening FREE OF CHARGE, courtesy of the Latimer 
Arts Council and Eastern Oklahoma State College!  It's a guaranteed fun 
and entertaining event for all ages! 

Belated birthday wishes go out to Brenda Kennedy who celebrated her big 
day this past Sunday, Jan. 10, in spite of the freezing weather.  And 
for today, please help me wish a very Happy Birthday to Gear Up's Helen 
Scott, who is also head of the Staff Council, and a real sweetheart to boot.

Don't forget our Cyber Cafe is now open to serve you until 3:30 Mon. 
thru Friday unless otherwise announced.  If you have a late class and 
can't make it to lunch before the Cafeteria line closes, you can stop by 
the Cyber Cafe and get something yummy off the grill to tide you over, 
or maybe just a cold beverage or a hot tasty cappuccino. 

Our menu for today includes:
            Hard shell tacos
            Pork cutlets
            Refried beans
            Spanish rice
            Steamed red potatoes
            Winter blend vegetables
            Peas and carrots
            Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a Chocolate Pie Square or a Coconut Pie Square.  

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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