[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday Jan. 29

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Jan 29 09:45:42 CST 2010

Hi folks,

Well, we've dodged the bullet so far on the bad weather, just getting 
really cold rain.  Any snow or ice we may get will probably develop 
later today or tonight as temperatures drop, so be careful if you intend 
to get out this weekend.  And get yourself, your vehicle, your house, 
and your pets prepared for cold temperatures tonight and tomorrow.

Remember Eastern's Biggest Loser contest kicks off next week, so get rid 
of all that temptation sitting around in your cupboards, (even if you 
have to eat it), and get ready to be a big loser!   Sheryl Marmon, 
Physical Plant and Staff Council secretary, is challenging herself to 
come up with motivational techniques to make the contest more 
interesting  and effective, so be ready for anything!  It could be 
anything from bringing a pot of diet soup for the contestants to sample 
to making a plate of non-diet brownies to test their willpower!   

And speaking of food...  Student Support Services is holding a food 
drive to collect non-perishable food items to be donated to those in 
need.  If you are blessed with a good paying job, a two income 
household, or just have an extra can or two of something you can part 
with, please donate it to this worthy cause before Feb. 16.  Collections 
boxes are in each building or you can call Student Support Services to 
pick up your contribution.

Next week is Campus Ministries week, and they've scheduled a powerhouse 
event on Tues. evening, with Team Impact making an impact on campus.  
This wonderful group of Christian men will be using the power of their 
bodies and souls to present a strong message for God in Mitchell 
Auditorium, Tues. Feb. 2 at 6:00 p.m.  I've seen them before and they 
present a truly impressive performance and testimony!

Our menu for today includes:
          Buffalo popcorn chicken
          BBQ on a bun
          French fries
          Corn on the cob
          Baked beans
And for dessert, have some Ice Cream and Toppings.  (You know you like 
it just as well when it's cold out!)

Have a safe weekend,

Rhoda    :-)


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