[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday March 5 No Grill Today

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Mar 5 10:06:21 CST 2010

Hi folks,

The weather situation is finally improving, with decent temperatures in 
the forecast for the next week or so.  I'm ready to get out and enjoy 
some nice weather for a change. 

If you didn't make it last night, you really should go see the Theatre 
Department's production of "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare 
(Abridged)" and the short opening comedy "Myra", (written by Melissa Lee 
and directed by Dottie Minshall) tonight.  I can't remember when I've 
had such a good laugh!  Jennifer Pearson, who plays Myra, and Marissa 
Scott, who plays her friend Betty, are both wonderful in their roles.  
(Jennifer is convincingly ditzy, and Marissa's portrayal of total 
confusion is hysterical!)   And Boomer Lowrie, Chris Horstman and Laura 
Myers will have you laughing your tights off in the Shakespearean 
roles!  The curtain opens this evening at 7:30, and you don't want to 
miss it!  Remember it's free to all EOSC students, staff and faculty, 
and only $3 for all others. 

If you're looking for a  companion of the canine variety, PAWS will be 
having adoption days at PetSense in McAlester on Saturday and in front 
of Roy's on Sunday.  We've got lots of puppies and older dogs looking 
for good homes, so come see if we've got a new best friend for you!

This Sunday, the Latimer County Arts Council will help host an 
appreciation dinner honoring the Red Oak Mason's organization for all 
the good works they've done in the past several years for local citizens 
in need.  They have selflessly raised and donated many thousands of 
dollars to people needing help with extreme medical expenses, given 
scholarships, and helped so many people in so many ways it seemed very 
appropriate to do this to show them how much they are appreciated.  If 
you've been the recipient of their generosity, just bring a covered dish 
and join us at the Red Oak  School this Sunday starting at noon, and let 
these men know how much they mean to this area. 

Due to a manpower (or woman power) shortage, we will not be opening the 
Grill today.  Hang in there til next week, when I'm sure we'll be back 
up and running again.

Our menu for today includes:
             Hot wings
             French fries
             Onion rings
             Baked potato bar
             Corn on the cob
And for dessert, have a yummy Brownie!

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda    :-)

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