[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. May 11

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue May 11 09:36:20 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

Boy, I'm glad we dodged the worst of the storms that were occurring in 
the state last night!  Some places really got hammered, and we really 
don't need that. Sometimes I'm amazed that as often as we have tornadoes 
come through, there are not that many storm cellars.  You'd think every 
home would have one, but I guess we're just too used to our wild weather.  

Today's the moment of truth for all the EOSC Biggest Loser 
participants.  Everyone needs to show up for the final weigh-in.  Then 
the totals can be calculated to determine who has done themselves the 
most good during the contest, and who will walk away with the big bucks, 
(not to mention bragging rights!) 

This is book buyback week in the bookstore, so when you're done 
absorbing all the knowledge you need to get through finals out of your 
textbooks, take them in to Ali and the crew for cash.  Who can't use 
some of that?

I'm planning some days off this week, so this may be my last chance to 
give this year's graduates my best wishes for their futures.  I hope 
they all take what they've learned here at Eastern and make the most of 
it for themselves, their families and the world.  Do great things and 
don't forget to come back and see us.   One of you may one day be the 
commencement speaker, have your face on the Hall of Fame Wall, or found 
a worldwide organization such as FCA. Whatever good things you do, give 
it your best Eastern effort!

Our menu for today includes:
             Roast beef
             Mashed potatoes
             Brown gravy
             Green beans
             Hot rolls

And for dessert, try some wonderful Punch Bowl Cake.

Have a great day and good luck with finals,

Rhoda    :-)

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