[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Oct. 12

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Oct 12 10:22:25 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

It suddenly dawned on me this morning, as I was manning the front at 
breakfast, that today is Tuesday, and Wednesday is pretty much Friday 
this week.  That put a smile on my face!  Of course, next week I'll be 
an old grump when my daughter is out of school and I have to get up and 
come to work, but for this week, I'm going to enjoy having a couple of 
extra days off.

Here's some good news for all EOSC support and professional staff 
members.  The Staff Council is hosting a Membership Drive, and there's a 
bonus!  Any support or professional staff member who pays their $5 Staff 
Council dues by Nov. 18, will be automatically entered into a drawing to 
be eligible to win a $50 cash prize!  You may enter by either paying 
your dues at the Business Office window by Nov. 18, or by filling out 
and turning in a payroll deduction form available from any Staff Council 
Member by Oct. 27, authorizing the dues to be deducted from your 
check(s) in Dec.  Staff Council Dues and Flower Fund dues are listed on 
the same form and may be paid at the same time.   Employees at the 
McAlester campus may turn your form and dues in to Lisa Gray.  By paying 
your Staff Council dues, you are then eligible to vote on issues that 
come before the Staff Council requiring a vote of the members.

Our menu for today includes:
                Chicken fajitas
                Pinto beans
                Mexican cornbread
                Green chili and rice casserole
                Bermuda vegetables
And for dessert, have a piece of Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake.

Havea  great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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