[Eoscstudents] Community Carnival and Lead to Read

Sally Davis sdavis at eosc.edu
Sat Oct 30 19:38:50 CDT 2010

It is the time to thank every person and organization on this campus 
that created and executed another great community carnival.  Our 
watchers and counters estimate that we had over 1,000 visitors from the 
community and surrounding towns here on Thursday afternoon.  As always 
our carnival has helped create a bridge between our college and the city 
of Wilburton with a joint effort including Eastern State College, 
Wilburton Main Street, Wilburton Chamber of Commerce and The Red Hat 
Society.  Our combined effort Boo Parade was attended again by a record 
number of participants and nice prizes were awarded by the Wilburton 
Chamber of Commerce.   Thanks to Leland Walker's suggestion and another 
joint effort between Student Services, the Aggie Club, The Bass Club and 
PTK  we brought a new attraction to our carnival this year "The Trout 
Pond" which was visited by over 50 children wanting to catch a fish.  
Thank you Dana Lewis for making all the phone calls and doing all of the 
legwork to bring them here.  When we put on an event like this carnival 
it is always with a deep sense of satisfaction to see us work together 
internally and externally for a greater purpose.  Thank you Maintenance 
for putting all our tables and trash cans where we wanted them and for 
the cleanup that took place afterward.  Thank you Brenda Kennedy, PTK 
and several other students for being our inflatable monitors, put-up and 
take-down crew and all -around help for the day.  It was as always a 
smashing success.  Enjoy the photos attached taken by Student Services 
staff member Lori Mitchell of some of the highlights of this day.

October 29th marked the kick-off of our Lead to Read program, another 
joint effort project between our college and Wilburton Elementary 
School.  Over 20 students and staff joined us on the bus ride over to 
Wilburton Elementary school and then broke off into grades to read books 
that were organized and provided to us by Maria Martinez our college 
librarian.  Thank you Maria.  Each student was able to read one book 
each to various students in classes from pre-k to 2nd grade.  Buckskin 
Bob also made an appearance and wowed the crowd at the school with high 
five's and thumbs up for their efforts.  Principal Jan Gilmore was on 
hand to direct our students to various classes and to observe our 
"leaders in the making" helping mentor young students to become better 
readers.  President Dr. Stephen Smith then presented Ms. Gilmore with 
one of our "Lead to Read" T-shirts printed for us by our own Russ Bird 
with a logo designed by him and Student Services staff member Lori 
Mitchell.  Thanks Russ and Lori the T-shirts were a hit!  Our next Lead 
to Read date is Friday November 12.  If you would like to participate in 
this project please contact Dean Sally Davis ASAP and get your name on 
the list.

October 29th also marked the completion of our fall "Friday Night 
LIghts" project.  For several weeks members of the Student Affairs, 
students and the Foundation Alumni director having been traveling every 
Friday night to high school football games to advertise our college to 
potential students and to collect any information on alum who may be 
living in these towns.  This year we visited Atoka, Battiest, McAlester, 
Stigler, Talihina and last night Holdenville.  Buckskin Bob and Eastern 
students also visit the audience in the stands and shoot T-shirts with 
the Eastern T-shirt gun.  This project is very enjoyable and will 
continue in the spring when our recruiting team visits high school 
basketball games.  Let us know if you would like to come and participate 
in this project.

On to Mountaineer Monday and Homecoming 2010 November 1st thru the 6th.  
Hero Up!  Homecoming T-shirts are now available until they last for 
$10.00 in the Student Services office.  Homecoming Mums are also for 
sale for $20.00.  Call Dana Lewis to reserve one now.
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