[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. April 4

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 4 08:56:06 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Wow, this weekend was great if you didn't mind the wind.  You sure had 
to hang onto things or be ready to chase them down if the wind got hold 
of them.  Our neighbor across the road came over last night by 
flashlight to see if we could call in for him as the electricity had 
gone out on their line.  I imagine the strong winds had blown a limb 
down on the line somewhere and left several homes in the dark.  It 
didn't take long for the power to be restored and things back to normal, 
though.  I doubt some of the folks even noticed it as they were probably 
already in bed.  I know it seemed to be raining little limbs off our 
mimosa tree all over our front yard yesterday.  And all the leftover 
fall leaves that were still hanging on the oaks are blown to Kansas 
now.  It even blew a piece of the siding off the end of our house.  
Replacing that will be a nice little project for my husband to tackle. 

Our menu for today includes:
             Beef enchilada casserole
             Mexican rice
             Refried beans
             Hot rolls
And for dessert, have a piece of Chocolate Chip Cookie Bar.

Have a great day at Eastern,

Rhoda   :-)

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