[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. April 5

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Apr 5 09:15:48 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

It's going to be a very busy day on campus today, with scads of high 
school students here competing in the 32nd annual Scholastic Contest.  
EOSC classes have been canceled for today to allow plenty of time and 
space for this important event.  We've been doing a brisk business for 
breakfast.  I've already had to make a run to the Business Office and 
another to the Bookstore to get change. 

Also, this morning, don't forget it's Biggest Loser weigh-in day, so if 
you're in on the contest, get over there and check your progress.  Good 

At 2:00 there will be an origami demonstration in the library to teach 
how to fold paper cranes for the "1,000 Cranes" project sponsored by the 
Honor Students, and assisted by the Latimer County Arts Council, in an 
effort to raise money for relief efforts in Japan.  If you would like to 
participate in this very worthwhile project, come to the library at 2:00 
to learn something of this beautiful art form, and how you can help.

Locally, the office of the Chief of Police is up for election today, so 
make sure and go vote for the candidate of your choice.

I found out after the fact yesterday that Melissa Lee, our wonderful 
theater instructor, was celebrating her birthday.  I hope she had a 
fantastic day!  She's a real sweetheart!

Our menu for today includes your choice of:
            BBQ on a bun
            Hamburger and French Fries
along with:
            Potato salad
            Baked beans
            Cole slaw
            Salad bar
And for dessert, have a yummy piece of Chocolate Cake.

Have a great day at Eastern,

Rhoda    :-)      
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