[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. April 6 Cyber Cafe closed today

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Apr 6 09:08:46 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Gee, it seems so quiet on campus today, after that major influx of high 
school students for the Scholastic Contest yesterday.  We were crazy 
busy in the Cyber Cafe and the Cafeteria steadily for several hours.  
That coming right after the extremely long day for our cooks and other 
workers on Saturday when they worked the Sapphire Ball, has left a lot 
of our crew dragging.  We've got another big day coming up on Friday, 
when Eastern hosts the FFA Interscholastic Contest, and we'll once again 
have swarms of high schoolers on campus taking tests and having fun.  
EOSC classes at Wilburton will again be dismissed for this event.

Due to an unexpected absence among our crew, the Cyber Cafe will not be 
open today.  Please be patient, we'll have things back on track as soon 
as possible.

Very happy birthday wishes go out today to EOSC's Assistant Librarian, 
Kim Pendergraft, and Oklahoma Miner Training Institute Administrative 
Assistant, Danita Oller. 

Don't forget about the Cheerleading Showcase this evening at 7:00 in our 
Fieldhouse.  Come out and see this group perform the routines they'll be 
doing when they represent Eastern in competition in Las Vegas!

Our menu for today includes:
or      Corndogs
          Scalloped potatoes
          Blackeyed peas
          Hot rolls
And for dessert, have some wonderful Blackberry Cobbler or yummy 
Chocolate Cake.

Have a great day at Eastern,

Rhoda   :-)
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