[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday April 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 8 09:14:46 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

EOSC classes are dismissed today as we once again host the FFA 
Interscholastic contest on campus.  Please make these students feel 
welcome as they do their best in these tests today.  Due to the large 
number of these students who will be on campus for a good portion of 
today, the Cafeteria will not close after breakfast, but will remain 
open to serve the needs of our guests, students and employees. 

Happy Birthday wishes go out today to Amanda White of our Financial Aid 
office.  I hope she has a great day and doesn't celebrate too much this 
weekend!  Also, yesterday, Dana Lewis, Administrative Assistant in 
Student Services, celebrated a birthday!  I hope she got to slow down 
long enough to enjoy it!  She's always scurrying around taking care of 
all sorts of things for Sally, and anyone else who needs her help. 

Wilburton residents, don't forget, tomorrow is City-wide clean up day 
from 9:00-12:00.  Anyone wishing to participate should meet at the 
Farmer's Market by City Hall and the Chamber of Commerce in the morning 
to get your work assignment.  We need to get our town looking good for 
the upcoming Green Frog Festival next weekend, and the WHS Alumni 
Banquet the weekend after that. 

Our menu for today includes:
             Spaghetti with meat sauce
             Garlic bread
             Green beans
And for dessert, have a couple of Cookies!

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda     :-)            


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