[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. April 25

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 25 09:19:31 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Our long delayed April showers seem to have been trying to make up for 
lost time this weekend.   After such a long time of hearing how dry it's 
been in most of our state,  and being under a burn ban because 
everything was so crisp and ready to go up in flames with the least 
little spark, now we're wet through and through.  At least that gives us 
something new to complain about!  We really should be grateful for the 
rain we've been getting though, as it makes for a long, hot summer in 
Oklahoma when we haven't had sufficient rain to get through it, and our 
water supply was getting very low.   I know us grownups may not be crazy 
about getting wet, but I know I've seen kids having a ball hunting 
Easter eggs in mud puddles!   And if you step outside and listen, you 
can tell the frogs are loving it, too!  I walked out to our pond 
yesterday between showers, and couldn't even begin to count the swarms 
of tadpoles that have hatched out in it recently.  We'll have plenty of 
frogs singing to us for a long time to come.  There was even a little 
tree frog clinging to our living room window as if he wanted to see what 
was going on inside.

Our menu for today includes:
             Dorito bake
             Mexican rice
             Fresh squash
             Pinto beans
And for dessert, have a helping of Bread Pudding.

Have a great day at Eastern,

Rhoda   :-)

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