[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday April 29

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 29 09:46:44 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Wow, what a great time everyone had at the Celebrity Waiter  Dinner and 
performance of Grease last night!  It really made for a long day, 
(especially for the performers, the Celebrity Waiters and the Cafeteria 
staff I'm sure), but was well worth it to generate a good chunk of money 
to kick off the scholarship fund in memory of Cheri Potter through the 
antics of the various Celebrity Waiter personalities and the generosity 
of the guests.  The performance of Grease was wonderful, but left me 
with a couple of questions:  What's the deal with Chris and his pants?  
And what's so fascinating in that book Shanna couldn't get her face out 
of?   All kidding aside though, the kids did a great job with this very 
lively, entertaining show, and Melissa Lee, Dottie Minshall, Paul Enis 
and Mary Ford and all the others who worked with them are to be 
commended.  The only sad note is that, as with all our spring musicals, 
it will be the next to last performance at Eastern for several of our 
students, as they will very soon graduate and go off to continue their 
educations elsewhere.  They should know they will be missed.  There will 
be one more chance to see them though, tonight at 7:30, as they sing, 
dance, act and ham it up through their very last performance of Grease.  
Don't miss it!

Student Support Services participants who RSVP'd for the graduation 
luncheon need to be sure and remember that it's today upstairs in the 
Ballroom at 11:30.

Tomorrow's schedule here in the Cafeteria looks to be pretty routine, 
but Sunday PTK will have their get together in the Ballroom, and 
immediately following that, we will be having our annual Athletic 
Banquet, also in the Ballroom.  (Scheduled in between those two events, 
the Wilburton High School graduating class of 2011, will be holding 
their Baccalaureate service in the P. J. Smith Auditorium at the High 
School at 3:00, so that's where I'll be.)

Our menu for today includes:
          Indian tacos
          Grilled chicken
          Tator tots
          Loaded baked potatoes
and for dessert, have a yummy Brownie!

Have a great day at Eastern,

Rhoda   :-)


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